It is generally assumed that the person employees look to for leadership and guidance at work is their direct manager because of their seniority but is this really the case? Recent research conducted by breatheHR into employees’ views on the roles of managers and leaders has established that there is in fact a difference between the two responsibilities.
If it’s not all about the job title, what are the top five traits that make a good leader?
1. Good communicator
The primary characteristic of a leader of an organisation is their ability to communicate effectively. According to the research, 27% of participants ranked this as the most important trait for a leader to possess.
Communicating the company’s vision and culture to their fellow employees in a way which engages them is one key element of this. Equally, leaders will also communicate with employees to build up relationships to demonstrate that they value their views and opinions. Communication in this way allows leaders to become aware of key areas of progression as well as any concerns.
2. Motivates others
Although it might not be in their job description, a good leader is able to increase productivity amongst the workforce. Projecting a positive attitude, initiating open communication and praising employees all play a part of encouraging drive within a team.
3. Proactive
Proactive leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve and strive to reach goals. In order to achieve this, they often plan ahead and preempt problems before they occur instead of reacting when they arise unexpectedly. The ability to plan ahead combined with the knowledge to utilise team strengths means that the team can create solutions to their problems.
4. Respectful
To garner commitment and engagement from employees, leaders need to demonstrate respect. Being treated with respect ranked higher for the employees asked than being enthusiastic, organised and flexible in the research published by breatheHR.
5. Consistent
6% of participants agree that consistency is an important character trait in a leader. In being consistent the leader will gain the respect and trust of their colleagues, who rely on a predictable flow of information from them.
On the flip side of this the results of this research show that characteristics that aren’t seen as important for a leader to hold include open to change, good evaluator, quietly confident and well educated.
One thing a good leader isn’t afraid to do is employ people that are better than them. What better way for a company to succeed than with people that are allowed to grow, strive to be the best they can for the company as well as respected, not to mention acknowledged that they are the person to go to.It is a win/win situation for everyone, but not all leaders would do this.