We are nearly mid-way through October, so how it going? Did the review of the objectives go well? Are you receiving regular updates? If the answer to them is no, then you need to revisit them to see where the process went wrong and how it can be improved. Maybe there has been a change where the objective is no longer relevant such as a product range being stopped, a client leaving, or everyone moving to work remotely. Then the objectives need to be changed so that they can be achieved.
You team achieving their objectives, will mean you meet your objectives and then so will the company. That is a great feeling and should be recognised both verbally and in writing. A thank you and a praise when earned goes a long way. Remember how you feel when someone says ‘well done on…..’
You know what we are going to say now, you need to start thinking about next year’s objectives. Where do you start? Well from the top down, what does your company want to achieve next year, then these need to be cascaded down to each department, then to each person, what can they do to help achieve this. Also remember they need to be measurable.
What help finding where to start? Contact us on TellMeMore@HRBusCons.co.uk for a free chat we are always happy to support you where we can help you.