The people on the ground in an organisation know first-hand what works and what doesn’t. If you can harness their knowledge, you get better innovation and decision making. Giving your employees a voice to communicate their concerns and ideas in some way can help the company and at the same time it is a huge motivator for the employees.
If their concerns are being listened to and changes are happening that improve the way the company works then they will truly feel valued.
So how can you do it, it can be formal with workshops, employee representative at meetings or informally by getting out there talking to them rather than hiding behind your desk. Remember one person’s view is not everyone’s, they may be emotional when they come to speak to you so take on board what they say, acknowledge it then discuss it before any action is taken.
We can help you with working with the employees to hear their voice as well as an action plan going forward, want to know more they contact us on 01483 697 076.