Home » Blog » Do you want to know how to structure a grievance hearing?
Yes, good, here is a checklist we have prepared to help you structure the meeting. Take your time to become familiar with it and ensure you follow every step. Remember do not rush it, both parties maybe nervous but it is important to set time aside and cover everything.
- Thank the employee and if they have been accompanied their representative for attending and make introductions, explaining the roles of each person.
- If you are recording the meeting, inform all parties and explain they can have a transcript after. If no recordings are permitted, ask them to confirm they are not recording the meeting.
- If the employee is not accompanied, ask if they understand that they are entitled to have a representative and confirm if they have chosen to come on their own. This should be noted.
- Summarise the purpose of the meeting.
- Choose whether to sum up the grievance as you understand it, or whether to ask the employee to summarise the grievance.
- Ask if they have any questions
- Present the findings of your investigation to date.
- Ask the employee any questions of clarification
- Ask the employee if there is anything else they would like to tell you.
- Summarise your understanding of all that has been said.
- Explain to the employee that you are going to adjourn to either consider what has been discussed. Give them an estimated timeline.
- Adjourn the meeting
- Reconvene the meeting you can inform the employee of your decision or if you feel further investigations are required that should be communicated to them.
- If it is the latter, you need to give them an estimate of how long the further investigations would take and how you will update them.
- After the decision is made, then you need to contact them with this. Then put it in writing.
- Inform the employee they have the right to appeal if they are not happy with your decision.
We have experience in this area, if you would like to talk it through with us first, practice or attend then contact us on tellmemore@HRBusCons.co.uk.
Remember preparation is everything.
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