Does everyone know what they are doing in the recruitment process?

The HR Blog

It is important to plan the recruitment process and time frames for everyone.  Have you clarified everyone’s roles and do the relevant people have times set aside in their diary, has anyone got holiday booked during the process?  The recruitment agency will want to know this to communicate accordingly with candidates.  You need to work out who is doing the following:

  • Advertising or talking to the agency
  • Reviewing CVs for shortlisting
  • Rejecting those that are not suitable, remember they could be potential customers or leave an unfriendly review about the company
  • Do you want them to do a test, and if so who is managing?
  • First interviews, what is the purpose, which questions will be asked and to what level
  • Second interviews, is the first interviewer also involved, is this the final interview?
  • Final interview
  • Offer letter

It is a candidates’ market and not moving them along the process can mean you can easily lose them.  We help our clients map out this process.  Drop us an email on


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