Have you thought what your employees want most?

The HR Blog

Firstly …..the power of a simple thank you
Research claimed that employees would be prepared to give up a higher salary to work for a boss that regularly thanked them for their efforts. People like to feel they are making a difference, they are recognised for their efforts, individually or as a team. How did you feel when someone came up to you to thank you for your work, effort? Don’t leave it to the appraisals and ensure it is genuine, not just when you feel like saying it.

When you do say thank you, look at the reaction from your employee that will remind you that you need take time out to do this.
Secondly, …taking time out to talk
Do you ever take time out to ask about their work, life etc rather than if they will make their deadline? If you invest time with your employees they will want to invest more effort with you. Take Richard Branson, he engages with all employees when he can, he may not remember their names but he know their roles and knows they have a life outside or work. Who doesn’t want to work for him?

Did you know the value of employee benefits?
Breathehr discovered nearly three quarters of employees surveyed said that benefits were more attractive than a pay rise, and a massive 71% said they would prefer to work for an employer that offered an effective benefits and rewards package, than take a job with a higher salary.
So take time out to do the first two steps and then think about your employee benefits. If you need any help contact us on Enquiries@HRBusCons.co.uk.

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