So, you are about to have your first appraisal and you want it to go well. Preparation is key to help with any nerves you may be feeling, as well as give a good impression to your boss. Here are some of the things you can do:
Review your year: look back as objectively as you can on your own performance. Consider what projects you have worked on, what you have achieved, what challenges you have overcome. Where did you go above and beyond what was required of you?
Peer feedback: ask for honest feedback from your colleagues. Where do they feel you have excelled in your role? What opportunities do they see for you?
Be prepared: plan what you want to say during the appraisal. Take in notes to help you stay focused and not forget anything. This is your opportunity to discuss you rather than the business, make the most of it by being clear around your career development and required training going forward.
Manage your expectations: don’t expect answers to your questions in your appraisal, this isn’t the forum for that. Instead, come to the meeting with your own solutions, ideas and suggestions. It may be necessary to arrange a follow up meeting to further discuss issues. And if you have a problem at work, don’t wait until the appraisal, arrange to speak to your manager straight away.
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