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Picture with person helping another up on an arrowUnless you’re royalty, you will need to consider succession planning and even they need to consider elements of it.


Part of being a good manager is supporting and nurturing your employees to succeed. This will inevitably lead to their careers progressing and, eventually, a need for you to replace them. Another part of being a good manager is to be prepared for this.


Succession planning needs to be considered at every level, and everyone should be considered.

  • Look at their strengths and weaknesses
  • Prepare an organisation chart
  • Where is training (internal and/or external) required?
  • Who would benefit from a secondment or shadowing someone?
  • What is necessary to get them to the next level?


As your employees move up or on, you may not find a natural replacement internally. During the recruitment process, this leads to something to consider: what the candidate is capable of in the future.


And don’t forget succession planning includes you!



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